Thursday, February 13, 2020

Rene Descartes The Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rene Descartes The Method - Essay Example Four years earlier, before Descartes wrote and tried to publish The Method, Galileo was tried (persecuted) by the so-called Inquisition of the Catholic Church for his treatise on the solar system and the planetary movement, and was forced to retract all of his assumptions and theories. Galileo was teaching Copernicanism, and Descartes' book was Copernican in nature. It was one of the reasons why Descartes tried not to publish this treatise on reasoning, so as not to suffer the same fate as Galileo's. Nevertheless, the controversy and the many interpretations forced Descartes to make the move - let the world know of what should reason be all about. Descartes explains reason or reasoning as an application of what one thinks, or that which comes of his intellect or mind. It is not only important that you have a "rigorous" mind, Descartes argues, but that you know how to apply it in everyday life. Most thinking of today is influenced by Descartes' way of reasoning. Descartes deals on metaphysics, but also on the scientific way. The Method is divided into six parts, as follows: first touching the topic on the Sciences; in the second, the rules of the Method; the third, certain of the rules of Morals which he has deduced from this Method; in the fourth, the reasonings by which he establishes the existence of God and of the Human Soul; in the fifth, the order of the Physical questions which he has investigated, and in the last what Descartes believes to be required in order to have greater advancement in the investigation of Nature, or the experiments. Each of the chapters in The Method, relies on the reasonings, and so explained by the Author with logic and proofs prevalent in his times of reasoned thinking. Philosophers and thinkers dominated this era of world history. They wanted to dominate the world through reason, so that almost every aspect of man's endeavor at that time was influenced by it. The time is known as the age of enlightenment which refers to the enlightenment of the eighteenth century, down to 17th century, in European and American philosophy. It advocates reason as a means to establishing an authoritative system of aesthetics, ethics, government, and logic. Thinkers argued that some kind of systematic thinking as the Newtonian kinematics could be applied to all forms of human activity. This influenced almost every major activity or movement all throughout Europe and other areas of the world including the United States. It was during this time when the solar system was truly discovered. Descartes' theory or conce pt on skepticism and inquiry into the nature of "knowledge" was a 'product' of the enlightenment. Main target of the thinkers of the movement was religion, particularly the Catholic Church. In turn they were regarded as radicals. There were opposing thinkers however, and one of them was Edmund Burke who is known as the father of modern conservatism. Burke opposed the implementation of governing based on abstract ideas. He espoused liberal conservatism, supported organic reform, and openly attacked metaphysics. Descartes published a short work which was metaphysical rather than scientific. The Discourse on Method is best known as the source of the famous quotation "cogito ergo sum", "I think, therefore I am." In the first chapter, Descartes says: "For to

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Organisation Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organisation Business - Essay Example Another trait which effects emotional intelligence is the gender, as women tend to be more social and empathetic than men whereas men are more self-regulating. Therefore, both of the emotional approaches have different kind of effects on the work individuals do in professional fields (Arteche, et al. 2008, 1). This aspect is discussed further later. A research by Adriane Arteche, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Adrian Furnham and John Crump was done on the traits involved in Emotional Intelligence. Through this research, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) exposed a four-factor fundamental structure of emotional intelligence which showed high internal dependability and were, without difficulty, interpretable as mood, intrapersonal, interpersonal and adaptability, in line with Bar On. Furthermore, inter-correlations supported a higher order factor in self-assessed EQ-i, as stated by numerous other researchers (Arteche, et al. 2008, 3). Emotionally Intelligent Leadership The next research whic h was looked upon was the research done by Wendy Gordon (2010, 72) that goes deeper on the professional and personal level of the emotional intelligence. In her article, she tells us about how to reduce cost in USAF (United States Air force) and American Express by using the traits of emotional intelligence. In the research, she explains that better Emotional Intelligence means better leadership qualities in a person. With the arrival of Emotional Intelligence evaluation apparatus, companies especially considering the USAF and American express, now have the luxury of generating a methodically validated summary, showing them what behaviors would make up an effectual leader in their meticulous corporation or industry. Researchers at the Center for Creative... This essay stresses that emotional Intelligence is a strengthening factor for any employee in an organization. It means to be in control of one’s emotions and therefore being focused on the goal and clear about one’s course of action, without being impulsive. Somebody who is emotionally intelligent and handles a situation effectively in both rough and calm times would prove to be a great asset to any organization. This report makes a conclusion that personality traits play a big role when it comes to professionalism and emotional intelligence. Many qualities linked to transformational and effective leadership are also positively correlated to emotional intelligence showing that people who are able to control their and others emotions are more likely to be great leaders. Furthermore, it can be concluded that it is the responsibility of managers to manage their subordinates’ emotions in order to minimize their negative effects e.g. negative feedback should be delivered in such a way that the employee remains motivated for improved performance in future and chances of counterproductive behavior are diminished. Although the personality traits of male and female employees vary, it is established that emotional intelligence in a working environment is not determined mainly by the gender of an employee, but by their interpersonal skills while working in a team. Therefore, emotional intelligenc e is essential quality for employees, in order to have a healthy and professional environment for every person working in any organization.